TGD view about the findings
Bio-harmony and context dependence
Could ligand interactions reduce to a re-tuning of ligand harmonies?
An attempt to concretize the model of ligand interactions
Could the dark matter hierarchy relate to the bio-harmony?
Hen egg problem, dark biomolecules, and resonance mechanism
Did the DX-X pairing occur simultaneously for all basic biomolecules?
Did proto-cell and peptides emerge first?
Empirical and experimental support for the model of peptide formation
How did lipids, small organic molecules, and DNA and RNA polymers emerge?
What can one say about pre-tRNA?
What could the prebiotic metabolic machinery be?
Quantum gravitation in TGD inspired quantum biology
Appendix: Tables of basic types of 3-chords for icosahedral harmonies
Icosahedral harmonies as Hamiltonian cycles
Tables for the 3-chords of icosahedral harmonies
Illustrations of icosahedral Hamiltonian cycles with symmetries