Quantum view about energy economy in brain
Molecular machines in many-sheeted space-time
A general model for metabolism
Three possible models for liberation of metabolic energy
Model for the building bricks of plasmoids
Model for the metabolism of plasmoids?
Does dark biology represent pre- or post-biotic evolution?
Quantum model for metabolism
Constant torque as a manner to force phase transition increasing the value of Planck constant
Could constant torque force the increase of heff?
What about stationary solutions
The connection with WKB approximation and Airy functions
Connection with living matter
A model for brain metabolism
Metabolism in brain
Astrocytes and quantum control of brain
The effects of endogenous sound waves as a support for the scenario
Molecular machines in many-sheeted space-time
TGD inspired questions and ideas relating to coherent locomotion
Some facts about molecular and cellular motors
Molecular motors in single-sheeted space-time
Molecular machines in TGD framework
Older ideas
Generalized-four wave mechanism as a basic mechanism of remote metabolism
Explanation of super-luminal velocities in terms of remote metabolism