1. Introduction

    1. ZEO And Self

    2. Geometric And Subjective Memories

    3. Spin Glass Model Of Memories

    4. Mirror Mechanism

    5. Third Person Aspects Of Memory

    6. Symbolic And Cognitive Representations Of Memories

    7. Bio-Supercomputers And Memories

  2. Different Types Of Memories

    1. Geometric And Subjective Memories

    2. Habits, Skills, Associations

    3. Is Genuine Subjective Memory Really Necessary?

    4. Spin Glass Model Of Learning And Long Term Memories

    5. Long Term Memories

    6. Implicit Memories

    7. Procedural Memories

  3. Model For Long Term Memories

    1. General Ideas

    2. Could Gravitation Have Something To Do With Long TermMemories?

    3. Is The Right Brain Hemisphere The Quantum Entangler?

    4. Going To The Neuronal Level

    5. Hippocampus And Long Term Memories

    6. Microtubuli And Long Term Memory

  4. Hyper-Finite Factors Of Type Ii$_1$, Dark Matter Hierarchy, And Long Term Memories

    1. Hierarchies Of Algebraic Extensions Of Rationals, Quantum Criticalities, Planck Constants, Dark Matter, And Of Hyperfinite Factors

    2. Dark Matter Hierarchy

    3. The Time Span Of Long Term Memories As Signature For The Level Of Dark Matter Hierarchy

    4. Remote Metabolism, Long Term Memory, And Zero Energy Ontology

    5. Applying Computer Analogy To The Model For Long Term Memories

  5. A Proposal For Memory Code

    1. Basic Ideas Of The Model Of Memory Code

    2. TGD View About The Situation

  6. How subjective memories are realized in TGD inspired theory of consciousness?

    1. Memory as challenge in computer science and neuroscience

    2. Memory as a challenge for quantum theories of consciousness

    3. ZEO codes subjective memory as information about SSFR to the final state of SSFR