1. Introduction

    1. Magnetic body as intentional agent and experiencer

    2. What is conscious intelligence

    3. The meanings of sensory, cognitive, symbolic

    4. Topics of the chapter

  2. How to define measures for the information content of consciousness?

    1. Information measures for conscious experience

    2. Information concept at space-time level

    3. Information theoretic interpretation of Kähler function

  3. Logic and fermions

    1. The state basis of fermionic Fock space as Boolean algebra

    2. Boolean algebra as Boolean QFT

    3. Fermions, zero energy ontology, and Boolean cognition

    4. Negentropic entanglement, fuzzy logic, quantum groups, and Jones inclusions

    5. Cognitive codes and fermions

  4. Quantum computationalism

    1. Computationalism and connectionism

    2. How connectionism emerges from TGD framework?

    3. Computationalism and TGD

    4. How brain builds the model of the external world?

  5. Number Theoretical Feats and TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness

    1. How Ramanujan did it?

    2. Symplectic QFT, 3, 4, and 5 as Additive Primes, and Arithmetic Consciousness

  6. Holographic brain and quantum TGD

    1. Evidence for holographic brain

    2. Three explanations for the hologram like properties of brain

    3. From holographic brain to neuronal window?

    4. Possible evidence for the neuronal window idea

    5. Massless extremals as quantum holograms

    6. The notion of conscious hologram

  7. Four-dimensional fractal brain as an associative net

    1. Brain as an associative net

    2. 4-dimensional fractal brain

    3. Sensory experiences, logical thinking, associations and simulations

    4. Formation of long term memories

    5. Planning and realization of motor programs

    6. Language

  8. Connection with the neuroscience view about brain

    1. A simple model for cognition

    2. Cognition, learning, and negentropic entanglement at the level of brain

    3. Negentropic entanglement and the role of neurotransmitters

  9. Two manners to learn and what goes wrong with vulgar skeptics?

    1. The two manners to learn

    2. What goes wrong with vulgar skeptics?

  10. Could TGD provide justification for the ideas of Rupert Sheldrake?

    1. Sheldrake's theory

    2. TGD based interpretation of morphic fields and collective memory

    3. Magnetic body as morphic field