Frequency imprinting and entrainment
Scaling laws
Model for the homeopathy
Dark nuclear strings as analogs of as analogs of DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences and baryonic realization of genetic code
Some applications
General view about
part of the ionic flow circuitry
How water
The role of microwaves in homeostasis
How the vision about dark matter hierarchy affects the picture?
Scaling law
Various forms of scaling law
Scaling law for the qualia about brain structure of given size
Scaling law and evolution
Scaling law and sensory maps
Does the structure of neocortex correlate
with the hierarchy of p-adic frequencies?
TGD based model for homeopathy
Basic claims about homeopathy
Frequency signatures for the homeopathic remedies and endogenous frequencies in acupuncture
A sketch for the mechanism behind the homeopathic healing
TGD counterparts for the propagation and diffusion of coherence
Frequency imprinting and de-imprinting
A possible realization of water memory
Could virtual DNAs allow a controlled development of the genome?
Latest findings about water memory
Further experimental findings related to water memory
Genes and water memory
Water electric as protocell
A model for chiral selection
Burning water, photosynthesis, and water memory
DNA waves and water
The basic findings of Montagnier's group
TGD inspired answers to the questions
A quantum model for remote replication
About Physical Representations of Genetic Code in Terms of Dark Nuclear Strings
Models of genetic code based on dark nuclear strings
The model mapping codons to dark 3-nucleon states
Field codes associated with homeopathy and a model for the magnetic body
Plasmoids as primitive life forms associated with magnetic bodies
Field representations of information using codes
Priore's machine as a test bench for the model
Fields and genes
Magnetic mirrors, remote viewing and remote healing
The role of dark micro waves in living matter
Dark microwaves and metabolism
Poorly understood effects related to micro-waves
X-ray images and remote realization of intentionality
Explanation of tachyonic events using the same model
Activated water, homepathy and the basic mechanism
of immunity
Short summary about "Applied Biophysics of Activated Water" of Vysostkii et al
Physical effects of activation and biological effects of activated water
The basic ingredients of TGD inspired model of water memory
TGD inspired model for homeopathy
TGD based view about the activation of water