More about twistor lift of Kähler action
Kähler action contains overall scale as a hidden coupling parameter
The problem with cosmological constant
Twistor lift of TGD, hierarchy of Planck constant, quantum criticality, and p-adic length scale hypothesis
Twistor lift brings volume term back
ZEO and twistor lift
Hierarchy of Planck constants
Magnetic flux tubes as mediators of interactions
Two variants for p-adic length scale hypothesis for cosmological constant
What happens for the extremals of Kähler action in twistor lift
The coupling between Kähler action and volume term
Twistor lift and the extremals of Kähler action
Are minimal surface extremals of Kähler action holomorphic surfaces in some sense?
About string like objects
Two options for fundamental variational principle
How to achieve low value of string tension?
How does the gravitational coupling emerge?
Non-commutative imbedding space and strong form of holography