The chain of arguments leading to a
number theoretical model for the genetic code
What is the physical counterpart of the number theoretical thermodynamics?
First model for the
evolution of the genetic code
Does amino-acid
structure reflect the product structure of the code?
theoretical model for the genetic code
Basic ideas and concepts of the second model
Genetic code from the maximization
of number theoretic information?
Genetic code from a minimization of
a number theoretic Shannon entropy
High temperature limit for bosonic,
fermionic, and supersymmetric thermodynamics
Could finite temperature number
theoretic thermodynamics reproduce the genetic code?
How to choose the Hamiltonian?
Could supersymmetric n0> 0 polynomial
thermodynamics determine the genetic code?
Could small perturbations
of Hamiltonian cure the situation?
Could one fix Hamiltonian
H(r) from negentropy maximization?
Could the symmetries of the genetic
code put constraints to number theoretical thermodynamics?
Confrontation of the model with
experimental facts
Basic facts about aminoacids
Could the biological characteristics
of an aminoacid sequence be independent on the order of aminoacids?
Are the aminoacids and DNAs
representing 0 and 1 somehow different?
The deviations from
the standard code as tests for the number theoretic model
Model for the evolution of the
genetic code and the deduction of n→ p(n) map from the structure of tRNA
Genetic code as a product of singlet and doublet codes?
Exponential thermodynamics does not
What can one conclude about p-adic
temperature associated with the genetic code in the case of exponential thermodynamics?
Low temperature limit of exponential
How to find the critical temperature
in exponential thermodynamics?
Computational aspects
Number theoretic model for singlet
and doublet codes as a toy model