The findings of Peter Gariaev and collaborators
The relevant aspects of TGD based view about living matter
The basic assumptions of model explaining findings of Gariaev
Dark nuclear strings as analogs of as analogs of DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences and baryonic realization of genetic code
TGD counterpart for wave-genetics
The notion of bio-hologram in TGD framework
How to fuse the notion of bio-hologram with the model of DNA as tqc?
The effects of laser light on living matter
Phantom DNA effect
Effects of the polarization modulated laser light on living matter
PLR spectroscopy
The scattering of incoherent UV-IR light on DNA
Basic facts
TGD based model for the replicas
Water memory, phantom DNA effect, and development of tqc hardware
A possible realization of water memory
Could virtual DNAs allow a controlled development of the genome?