1. Introduction

    1. Flux Tubes As Correlates Of Directed Attention At Molecular Level

    2. The Model Of Folding Code Based On Flux Tube Connections Between Amino-Acids

    3. A Model For Protein Folding Based On Flux Tubes Between Amino-Acids And Water Molecules

    4. Protein folding, hydrophoby and hydrophily, and molecular attention

    5. Postlude

  2. A Model For Flux Tubes

    1. Flux Tubes As A Correlates For Directed Attention

    2. Does Directed Attention Generate Memory Representations And TQC Like Processes

    3. Realization Of Flux Tubes

    4. Flux Tubes And DNA

    5. Introns And DNA-Protein Attachment

  3. Model For The Folding Code Based On Interactions Mediated By Flux Tubes Between Amino-acids

    1. 4-D Spin Glass Energy Landscape And Code Of Catalytic Action

    2. Flux Tubes And Amino-Acids

    3. Trying To Identify The Folding Code

  4. A Simple Quantitative Model For Protein Folding And Catalyst Action Assuming Flux Tubes Between Amino-Acids

    1. The Model

    2. Basic Mathematical Consequences

    3. Model For The Helical Structures

    4. Model For β Sheets

    5. Secondary Protein Structures

    6. Model For Protein-Protein Binding Sites

  5. A Model For Protein Folding Based On Flux Tube Connections Between Water Molecules And Amino-acids

    1. Could There Be New Physics Behind Hydrophily And Hydrophoby?

    2. An Improve Model For Protein Folding

    3. A Model For Which The Magnetic Body Of Water Is Involved

  6. A Model For Protein Folding And Catalytic Action

    1. Earlier Model For The Folding Code

    2. Hydrophily And Hydrophoby Number Theoretically

    3. Could There Be New Physics Behind Hydrophily And Hydrophoby?

    4. An Improved Model For Protein Folding

    5. The Model For Which The Magnetic Body Of Water Is Involved

    6. Appendix: Tables related to the model of protein folding