Dark rules
A generalization of the notion of imbedding space as a realization of the hierarchy of Planck constants
Hierarchy of Planck constants and the generalization of the notion of imbedding space
Could the dynamics of Kähler action predict the hierarchy of Planck constants?
General ideas about dark matter
Hierarchy of Planck constants and the generalization of the notion of imbedding space
How the scaling of hbar affects physics and how to detect dark matter?
General view about dark matter hierarchy and interactions between relatively dark matters
How dark matter and visible matter interact?
Could one demonstrate the existence of large Planck constant photons using ordinary camera
or even bare eyes?
Dark matter and exotic color and electro-weak interactions
Anti-matter and dark matter
Dark variants of nuclear physics
Constraints from the nuclear string model
Constraints from the anomalous behavior of water
Exotic chemistries and electromagnetic nuclear darkness
Has dark matter been observed?
Optical rotation of a laser beam in magnetic field
Do nuclear reaction rates depend on environment?
Refraction of gamma rays from silicon prism?
Water and new physics
The 41 anomalies of water
The model
Comments on 41 anomalies
The strange properties of water as indication for the existence of dark matter in TGD sense
Burning salt water by radio-waves and large Planck constant
Minimization of Gibbs free energy as thermodynamical variational principle in TGD framework
Snow flakes and macroscopic quantum self-organization
The experiments of Masaru Emoto with emotional imprinting of water
The reception of the findings of Emoto
TGD based model for Emoto's findings
Connection with mono-atomic elements, cold fusion, and sonofusion?
Mono-atomic elements as dark matter?
Connection with cold fusion?
Connection with sono-luminescence and sono-fusion?
Does Rossi's reactor give rise to cold fusion?
The TGD variant of the model of Widom and Larsen
for cold fusion
Challenges of the model
TGD variant of the model
Dark atomic physics
From naive formulas to conceptualization
Dark atoms
Dark cyclotron states
Could q-Laguerre equation relate to the claimed fractionation of the principal quantum number for hydrogen atom?
Shy positrons