Basic ideas of tqc
Identification of hardware of tqc and tqc programs
How much tqc resembles ordinary computation?
Basic predictions of DNA as tqc hypothesis
Basic concepts and ideas
What happens in quantum jump
About NMP and quantum jump
Hyper-finite factors of type II1 and quantum measurement theory with a finite measurement resolution
NMP and biology
Generalization of thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing
How quantum computation in TGD Universe differs from standard quantum computation?
Universe as a topological quantum computer
The notion of magnetic body and the generalization of the notion of genome
General ideas related to topological quantum computation
Fractal hierarchies
Irreducible entanglement and possibility of quantum parallel quantum computation
Connes tensor product defines universal entanglement
Possible problems related to quantum computation
Negentropic entanglement, NMP, braiding and TQC
DNA as topological quantum computer
Conjugate DNA as performer of tqc and lipids as quantum dancers
How quantum states are realized?
The role of high Tc superconductivity in tqc
Genetic codes and tqc
How to realize the basic gates?
Universality of tqc
The fundamental braiding operation as a universal 2-gate
What the replacement of linear braid with planar braid could mean?
Single particle gates
On direct testing of quantum consciousness and DNA as tqc
Realization of braiding operation in terms of heff=nh hypothesis
About realization of braiding
Could braid strands be split and reconnect all the time?
What do braid strands look like?
How to induce the basic braiding operation?
Some qualitative tests
A model for flux tubes
Flux tubes as a correlate for directed attention
Does directed attention generate memory representations and tqc like processes
Realization of flux tubes
Flux tubes and DNA
Some predictions related to the representation of braid color
Anomalous em charge of DNA as a basic prediction
Chargaff's second parity rule and the vanishing of net anomalous charge
Are genes and other genetic sub-structures singlets with respect to QCD color?
Summary of possible symmetries of DNA
Empirical rules about DNA and mRNA supporting the symmetry breaking picture
Cell replication and tqc
Mitosis and tqc
Sexual reproduction and tqc
What is the role of centrosomes and basal bodies?
Indirect evidence for the DNA as topological quantum computer model
The notion of magnetic body
DNA as topological quantum computer
Implications for genetics
Implications for Mendelian anomalies
How to build a quantum computer from magnetic flux tubes
What can one learn from ordinary computer programs
Quantum computation magnetic flux tubes as connections
Appendix: A generalization of the notion of imbedding space
Both covering spaces and factor spaces are possible
Do factor spaces and coverings correspond to the two kinds of Jones inclusions?
Fractional Quantum Hall effect