Evidence for long range weak forces and new nuclear physics
Dark rules
Weak form of electric magnetic duality, screening of weak charges, and color confinement?
Dark weak forces and almost vacuum extremals
Weak form electric-magnetic duality and color and weak forces
Could a weak form of electric-magnetic duality hold true?
Magnetic confinement, the short range of weak forces, and color confinement
Dark matter hierarchy, genetic machinery, and the un-reasonable selectivity of bio-catalysis
Dark atoms and dark cyclotron states
Spontaneous decay and completion of dark fractional atoms as a basic mechanisms of bio-chemistry?
The new view about hydrogen bond and water
TGD based model for qualia and sensory receptors
A general model of qualia and sensory receptor
Detailed model for the qualia
Overall view about qualia
About detailed identification of the qualia
Could cell membrane correspond to almost vacuum extremal?
Cell membrane as almost vacuum extremal
Are photoreceptors nearly vacuum extremals?
Pollack's findings about fourth phase of water and the model of cell
Pollack's findings
Dark nuclei and Pollack's findings
Fourth phase of water and pre-biotic life in TGD Universe
Could photosensitive emulsions make dark matter visible?
The findings
The importance of belief system
Why not tachyonic monopoles?
Interpretation as dark matter structures becoming visible in presence of living matter