1. Introduction

    1. Basic notions and ideas

    2. Two models of the genetic code based on dark particles

    3. The relationship between the two models of genetic code?

  2. Dark nucleon realization of the genetic code and basic information molecules

    1. The basic vision and the first guess

    2. The charge DNA as a guideline

    3. Dark nucleons or dark protons?

    4. Dark variants of information molecules as analogs of nucleon and \Delta obtained by replacing quarks with dark nucleons

    5. Angular momentum of the nuclear string as origin of 5\oplus 3 \oplus 1

    6. Various pairings of the information molecules

    7. A model for the symmetry breaking of the genetic code

    8. Chemical bonds as flux tube links and realization of dark codons using only dark protons

  3. Connection between dark nucleon code and bioharmony

    1. Bioharmony and resonance mechanism for dark photon communications

    2. Details of the bioharmony model

    3. Bioharmony, dark nucleon code, and icosa-tetrahedral code as a tessellation of H3

    4. The newly discovered spatial grammar of DNA from the TGD perspective

  4. Pythagorean number mysticism, music harmony, and genetic code

    1. Rational Platonia

    2. Special role of primes 2, 3 and 5

    3. Pythagorean scale

    4. Pythagorean scale and genetic code

    5. What about dodecahedral harmony and analog of genetic code?