1. Introduction

    1. Clarifying some basic concepts

    2. Basic vision

    3. Topics of the chapter

  2. p-Adic physics and cognition

    1. The three non-determinisms

    2. Classical non-determinism and symbolic representations

    3. Basic vision about qualia

    4. The new view about intentional actions

    5. p-Adic physics as correlate for cognition

    6. Quantization phenomena in psychophysics

  3. Various aspects of cognition

    1. p-Adic physics and imagination

    2. How dreams and hallucinations relate to sensory experiences?

    3. Cognition, sensory experience, and Boolean mind

    4. Replication of memes, and morphic fields

  4. Frontal lobes and TGD

    1. Basic functional anatomy of frontal lobes

    2. Some neurophysiological findings related to the functioning of frontal lobes

    3. TGD based view about frontal lobes

    4. Goal structures and emotions

    5. Figure-background rivalry

    6. Experimental support for binocular rivalry as a quantum phenomenon

    7. Quantum cognition

  5. p-Adic cognition and various codes

    1. Symmetry breaking generates conscious information

    2. Cognitive codes as a realization of the information generated by DNA-protein symmetry breaking?

    3. M72 and M17 codes as degenerate forms of the memetic code?

    4. Peptides as molecules of emotion

  6. About molecular cognitive and sensory representations?

    1. Number theoretical ideas

    2. Representations

    3. Finite geometries and cognition

    4. Application of ideas to micro-tubuli and clathrin molecules

  7. Cognition and number theory

    1. Conceptual and technical problems related to p-adicization

    2. Should one allow also transcendentals in the extensions of p-adic numbers?

    3. Infinite primes and cognition

    4. Cognition, logic, and p-adicity