How p-adic primes are determined?
Trying to understand p-adic CCE
How p-adic prime is defined at the level of WCW geometry?
What about the evolution of the gravitational fine structure constant?
What is the minimal value of heff
Number theoretical universality of vacuum functional and p-adic CCE
The recent view about zero energy ontology
Number theoretical constraints on exp(Δ K)
Hierarchy of Planck constants, Nottale's hypothesis, and TGD
Nottale's hypothesis
Trying to understand ℏeff
Do Yangians and Galois confinement provide M8-H dual approaches to the construction of the many-particle states?
h/h0 as the ratio of Planck mass and CP_2 mass?
Connection with adelic physics and infinite primes
How to understand coupling constant evolution?
Evolution of Kähler coupling strength
The evolution of the gravitational fine structure constant
Appendix: Imbedding of spherically symmetric stationary symmetric metric as a guideline