1. Introduction

  2. General vision about fusion of real and p-adic physics

    1. p-Adic mass calculations as original motivation for p-adic physics

    2. Questions raised by the success of p-adic thermodynamics

    3. Zero energy ontology and p-adic length scale hypothesis

    4. How to fuse p-adic and real physics

    5. p-Adic physics and consciousness

    6. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and bio-systems

  3. How preferred p-adic primes could be determined?

    1. Earlier attempts

    2. Could preferred primes characterize algebraic extensions of rationals?

    3. A connection with Langlands program?

    4. A connection with infinite primes?

  4. p-Adic ultrametricty and bio-systems

    1. Spin glasses and ultrametricity

    2. p-Adic ultrametricity

    3. p-Adic ultrametricity and information processing in bio-systems

  5. p-Adic non-determinism and bio-systems

    1. Could p-adic differential equations simulate quantum jump sequence?

    2. Information filtering and p-adics

  6. p-Adic probabilities and bio-systems

    1. Does p-adic probability apply only to cognition

    2. Is small-p p-adic statistics possible

    3. The concept of monitoring

  7. p-Adic probabilities and bio-systems

    1. Does p-adic probability apply only to cognition

    2. Is small-p p-adic statistics possible

    3. The concept of monitoring

  8. Is small-p p-adicity possible?

    1. Small-p p-adicity and hydrodynamics

    2. -adic psychophysics?

    3. Small-p p-adicity in bio-systems and psychophysics

  9. Is small-p p-adicity possible?

  10. Are p-adic length scales assignable to twin primes special?