1. Introduction

    1. Why TGD?

    2. How could TGD help?

    3. Two basic visions about TGD

    4. Guidelines in the construction of TGD

  2. The great narrative of standard physics

    1. Philosophy

    2. Classical physics

    3. Quantum physics

    4. Summary of the problems in nutshell

  3. Could TGD provide a way out of the dead end?

    1. What new ontology and epistemology TGD brings in?

    2. Space-time as 4-surface

    3. The hierarchy of Planck constants

    4. p-Adic physics and number theoretic universality

    5. Zero energy ontology

  4. Different visions about TGD as mathematical theory

    1. Quantum TGD as spinor geometry of World of Classical Worlds

    2. TGD as a generalized number theory

  5. Guiding Principles

    1. Physics is unique from the mathematical existence of WCW

    2. Number theoretical Universality

    3. Symmetries

    4. Quantum classical correspondence

    5. Quantum criticality

    6. The notion of finite measurement resolution

    7. Weak form of electric magnetic duality

    8. TGD as almost topological QFT

    9. Three reasons for the localization of spinor fields at string world sheets