1. Introduction

    1. Physical states as representations of super-symplectic and Super Kac-Moody algebras

    2. Particle massivation

    3. What next?

  2. Identification of elementary particles

    1. Partons as wormhole throats and particles as bound states of wormhole contacts

    2. Family replication phenomenon topologically

    3. Critizing the view about elementary particles

    4. Basic facts about Riemann surfaces

    5. Elementary particle vacuum functionals

    6. Explanations for the absence of the g>2 elementary particles from spectrum

  3. Non-topological contributions to particle masses from p-adic thermodynamics

    1. Partition functions are not changed

    2. Fundamental length and mass scales

    3. Spectrum of elementary particles

  4. Modular contribution to the mass squared

    1. Conformal symmetries and modular invariance /p>

    2. The physical origin of the genus dependent contribution to the mass squared

    3. Generalization of Θ functions and quantization of p-adic moduli

    4. The calculation of the modular contribution Δh to the conformal weight

  5. General mass formulas for thermodynamical contributions

    1. General mass squared formula

    2. Color contribution to the mass squared

    3. Modular contribution to the mass of elementary particle

    4. Thermal contribution to the mass squared

    5. The contribution from the deviation of ground state conformal weight from negative integer

    6. General mass formula for Ramond representations

    7. General mass formulas for NS representations

    8. Primary condensation levels from p-adic length scale hypothesis

  6. Fermion masses

    1. Charged lepton mass ratios

    2. Neutrino masses

    3. Quark masses

  7. About the microscopic description of gauge boson massivation

    1. Can p-adic thermodynamics explain the masses of intermediate gauge bosons?

    2. The counterpart of Higgs vacuum expectation value in TGD

    3. Elementary particles in ZEO

    4. Virtual and real particles and gauge conditions in ZEO

    5. The role of string world sheets and magnetic flux tubes in massivation

    6. Weak Regge trajectories

  8. Calculation of hadron masses and topological mixing of quarks

    1. Topological mixing of quarks

    2. Higgsy contribution to fermion masses is negligible

    3. The p-adic length scale of quark is dynamical

    4. Super-symplectic bosons at hadronic space-time sheet can explain the constant contribution to baryonic masses

    5. Description of color magnetic spin-spin splitting in terms of conformal weight