1. Introduction

    1. McKay correspondence in TGD framework

    2. HFFs and TGD

    3. New aspects of M8-H duality

    4. What twistors are in TGD framework?

  2. McKay correspondence

    1. McKay graphs

    2. Number theoretic view about McKay correspondence

  3. ADE diagrams and principal graphs of inclusions of hyperfinite factors of type II$_1$

    1. Principal graphs and Dynkin diagrams for ADE groups

    2. Number theoretic view about inclusions of HFFs and preferred role of SU(2)

    3. How could ADE type quantum groups and affine algebras be concretely realized?

  4. M duality

    1. M-H duality at the level of space-time surfaces

    2. M-H duality at the level of momentum space

    3. M-H duality and the two manners to describe particles

    4. M-H duality and consciousness

  5. Could standard view about twistors work at space-time level after all?

    1. Getting critical

    2. The nice results of the earlier approach to M4 twistorialization

    3. ZEO and twistorialization as manners to introduce scales in M8 physics

    4. Hierarchy of length scale dependent cosmological constants in twistorial description

  6. How to generalize twistor Grassmannian approach in TGD framework?

    1. Twistor lift of TGD at classical level

    2. Octonionic twistors or quantum twistors as twistor description of massive particles

    3. Basic facts about twistors and bi-spinors

    4. The description for M8/sup>T option using octo-twistors?

    5. Do supert-twistors make sense in TGD?

  7. Could one describe massive particles using 4-D quantum twistors?

    1. How to define quantum Grassmannian?

    2. Two views about quantum determinant

    3. How to understand the Grassmannian integrals defining the scattering amplitudes?