1. Introduction

  2. What is M8 physics?

    1. Physical interpretation of the 4-surfaces of the space M8 and their singularities

    2. Number theoretic holography

    3. Quantum classical correspondence for momenta

    4. The analog of time evolution in M8 as a coupling constant evolution conserving dual quantum numbers

  3. M8-Hduality

    1. M8-Hduality as inversion

    2. The technical problems posed M8-Hduality the complexification of M8

    3. Singularities and M8-Hduality

    4. Realization of the Uncertainty Principle

  4. Holography

    1. What does one mean with holography?

    2. What kind of 3-geometries are expected in the TGD framework?

    3. 3→ 4 form of holography

    4. Strong form of the hyperbolic holography

    5. An explicit formula for M8-H duality

  5. Singularities, quantum classical correspondence, and hyperbolic holography

    1. Cusp singularities and fermionic point singularities

    2. About the superconformal symmetries for the light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces

  6. Birational maps as morphisms of cognitive structures

    1. M8-H duality, holography as holomorphy, Hamilton-Jacobi structures, and birational maps as cognitive morphisms

    2. Appendix: Some facts about birational geometry