• Introduction

    1. The metric for the space of causal diamonds

    2. The existence of a hyperbolic generator of conformal group defining a flow, which maps causal diamond to itself

    3. Could these findings have significance for TGD?

  • Two possible identifications for the space of CDs and its metric

    1. TGD in inspired option for the moduli space of CDs

    2. The identification of the moduli space of CDs inspired by conformal invariance

    3. Questions about the dynamics in the space of CDs

  • TGD inspired questions and ideas related to the interpretation of the hyperbolic flow

    1. The flow lines of time-like special conformal transformation as a motion with a constant acceleration

    2. Can one assign thermodynamics to CD?

    3. Could the dynamics of CD define a sensory map of the exterior of CD?

    4. Could astrophysical SSFRs correspond to special conformal transformations leaving CD size unaffected?

    5. About the quantum realization of hyperbolic time evolution in TGD framework

  • Motion of CDs in the moduli space and kinematic qualia

    1. The motion at quantum level

    2. The motion at the classical level

  • Questions related to ZEO

    1. Questions related to SSFRS

    2. More questions and objections related to ZEO and consciousness

    3. Is Negentropy Maximization Principle needed as an independent principle?

  • Appendix: About the action of SL(2,R) inside causal diamond